Microsoft has today begun advertising a new, lower price point for Xbox One in the UK, now at £299.99. Although Microsoft is calling this a retailer promotion rather than an official price cut, although that’s exactly the terminology the used back in September when they last cut the Xbox Ones price.

This is currently a UK only “promotion” (price cut), and as such is not reflected in other prices across the globe. It’s a great price to buy an Xbox One ahead of the launch of 2015’s highly-anticipated games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain and Batman: Arkham Knight, along with Xbox exclusives such as Rise of the Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6 and Halo 5: Guardians. It’s unlikely the Xbox One price will go much lower and to be fair it’s surprising to see it drop this much in such a short time.
This is the fourth price cut we have seen for the Xbox One since it launched in November 2013, when it was priced at £429.99 and bundled with Kinect plus a free copy of FIFA 15. After the console’s first Christmas, Microsoft initially cut the console’s price to £399.99.
PlayStation 4 launched in the UK at £349.99, a price it has maintained, although is now likely to change to remain competitive.