0800 Numbers Now Free From Mobiles

It’s all too often, with the amount of copy-cat chat shows and talent competitions and reality voting shows spamming our televisions that we come across the infamous call in part. We always get given the usual dialogue “Calls cost 50p from a BT landline. Other landlines may vary and call from mobiles may cost considerably more.” Every mobile network operator is different and can cost literally many pounds in difference. However, Ofcom has introduced a new system that means the following telephone numbers will be free to call from mobiles;








It’s not just TV shows that will now be easier to get hold of. Many times you will be required to call a “Freephone” number and actually pay. Services such as customer support for supermarkets, technical support for newly purchased gadgets, insurance calls etc. Having these numbers now free to mobiles will certainly make a difference.

Subject to Ofcom’s changes, it is now also becoming a requirement for Network Operators to fully explain access charges. So if a network operator is going to charge 25 pence per minute to connect you to a number (or whatever it is your contract states) you will expect to see a service message such as “Calls cost 50p per minute plus your company’s access charge”. Ofcom state that providers must publish their access charges “in a way that is prominent and readily accessible to customers.”

This means that generally, you will still have to pay for calling these numbers but this is only because that is what the phone-line operator will charge – this would be the same charge for anyone calling from a BT line. Now it is also easier to switch provider as you will be better able to weigh up the difference in costs. Of course, knowing all service providers, it is very likely that they

Happy calling!

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One response to “0800 Numbers Now Free From Mobiles”

  1. Only 0800 and 0808 became free to call. 084, 087, 09 and 118 adopt the Access Charge plus Service Charge system. Those organisations who are unable to justify their Service Charge must change their number to stop imposing it. Ofcom made 034 and 037 numbers available for this purpose in 2007.