25 Suspected Anonymous Members Arrested in Multinational Raids

Police have arrested no fewer than 25 people whom they believe are involved in the Anonymous ‘hacktivist’ group that has been behind several high profile attacks in recent.

The arrests were made in four countries – Argentina, Chile, Columbia and Spain – as part of a new operation called ‘Operation Unmask’, which of course relates to the mask logo that Anonymous uses, and the fact that every member remains anonymous and hidden behind a computer screen – until now.

Anonymous has recently carried out several cyber-attacks on both Columbian and Chilean state websites, which has led to the operation taking place. This isn’t the first time the group has targeted authorities, openly admitting making attacks on the Boston Police Department recently.

Over 40 raids took place in 15 cities, with the targets arrested ranging in age, with some apparently as young as 17. Police also seized 250 items of IT equipment and mobile phones that may have been used to create DDOS attacks on corporate websites.

This operation shows that crime in the virtual world does have real consequences for those involved, and that the Internet cannot be seen as a safe haven for criminal activity, no matter where it originates or where it is targeted,” said Bernd Rossbach, Acting Interpol Executive Director of Police Services.

In recent months Anonymous has been behind attacks on the Department of US Justice, Sony and many more. We don’t know exactly how many members are involved in the secretive organisation, but it would seem from the number that has been arrested, that there are many more than we initially thought.

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