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ESA To GamerGate: Threats Must End

Gif Credit: The Mirror

Political tirades are commonplace online – it’s just another thing that many internet users have to deal with, especially with the rise of internet activism, which has found its voice among the young and the impressionable online. Places like Tumblr are alive with political debate, and though many of these internet communities remain isolated and their ideas do not spread, some of this activism does hit home, casing a cascade of viral sharing and sparking debate amongst internet users on more popular sites like Facebook.

When supporters of the concept of feminism clashed with the video game industry, the issue began to spiral out of control. YouTube personalities supporting feminism caused widespread controversy, as viewers criticized them for cherry picking their points to coerce audiences and purporting their reactionary views as politically correct. It’s not hard to understand why those who identify as gamers found fault in these videos, which included sweeping statements criticizing gamers and games as a whole, as well as many accusations of misogyny aimed towards large diverse audiences.

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However, the reaction online by some members of the ‘GamerGate’ movement which arose because of these videos has been totally disgraceful. The actions of a small percentage of individuals (as opposed to ‘most gamers’, as many media sites wrongly report) were completely childish and uncalled for, with threats of violence, mass murder and rape being the main acts of aggression that this small, bitter minority has used against those whom they oppose.

The GamerGate saga even has its own logo.

And so, with the the gaming and feminism communities equally suffering the humiliation of a poorly orchestrated online war over Twitter, the Entertainment Software Association has stepped in.

The ESA is one of the biggest research and promotional bodies in the gaming industry – an establishment that has charted the course of one of entertainment’s greatest achievements.

Of course, the ESA know about the situation, having reported for years the increasing number of women within the gaming industry and the consumer base. The association is also responsible for E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, gaming’s biggest annual event.

In response to the GamerGate online skirmishes, the ESA has made a statement on the situation. It’s the large print quote below. We doubt you’ll find the message hard to understand.

“Threats of violence and harassment are wrong,

They have to stop. There is no place in the video game community—or our society—for personal attacks and threats.”

– The ESA

With the above in mind, it’s clear to see that collateral damage from GamerGate (due to the poor behavior of participants on both sides) has been high. The actions of the few have stained the reputation of the majority, with the average gamer, or just anyone who plays games in general, being looked down upon for identifying as a ‘gamer’. Indeed, some sites are even posting articles attempting to redefine the word ‘gamer’ as a derogatory slur.

SEE ALSO: GamerGate Controversy Rages on

Feminism itself has taken a blow as well, with even those who do not play games mocking this new ‘third wave’ feminist movement and those who are involved for their behaviour online. There is well-documented evidence that some users supporting the movement have faked evidence in order to slander the entire gamer demographic. Feminism is a timeless message, but the increased atmosphere of mudslinging and what some perceive as ‘ridiculous’ campaigns aren’t helping the good cause.

With the radical elements of each side trying their hardest to discredit their audiences (ironically neither are questioning their own prejudices), the GamerGate arguments are set to rage on for at least a few more months.

Twitter has been the chosen battleground for those involved in the GamerGate mudslinging.

To all our readers, we urge you to not send any politically motivated threats of violence to anyone. However, we do urge you to think for yourselves and question the motivations and the arguments of both sides of the GamerGate controversy.

Don’t be swayed by radical opinions from either group. Read into it, do your research, and judge for yourselves whether the issue is worth your time one or not. We’ve included links to two articles below, each of which offers an opinion from both sides of the argument.

We hope that by better understanding the issue, our readers can make informed judgement on whether to pick a side, or hopefully not become involved in this fiasco that is becoming increasingly out of control.

Via: The Independent (This article leans one way…)

Via: Spiked-Online (…and this one leans the other way.)