Tag: gamers
GamerGate Controversy Rages on
The GamerGate controversy, a politically charged backlash against gaming media bodies and online activists, is reaching critical mass today. The conflict arose when certain indie game developers were found to be personally and financially involved with journalists from gaming news websites, prompting a backlash due to a perceived bias. In other words, the gaming journalism…
Star Wars: Galactic Warfare unofficial mod blasts onto Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
No, this isn’t a snippet of a new Star Wars game.. Not officially anyway. This is the massive-scale mod for Activision‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare that’s been in the works for over two years! The Galactic Warfare fan project was started a long time ago (2009 in fact) by a group of German…
Sony Playstation Network may not return until 31st May!
We would we not like to be working at Sony at the moment, with this endless debacle about the PlayStation Network being down, hacked and generally violated it must be hard times at Sony corps worldwide. PS3 users are also having a bit of a toughie with the PSN still down and no foreseeable return…