Audio description has been long discussed as being a crucial addition to the Netflix service, allowing greater accessibility to customers with a visual impairment. And now, thanks to Daredevil, the streaming company has jumped to action and introduced a commentary to a number of its original shows.
Since the new Daredevil show went live last Friday the internet has gone nuts for ‘The Man Without Fear’ but many had noted irony in the fact that the show features a blind hero – yet Netflix’s blind subscribers were actually unable to enjoy the show fully, due to lack of a suitable dialogue and support of their requirements. An online petition was even started at which employed the hashtag #Dare2Describe.Just days later, Netflix has issued a statement to customer’s informing them that it has begun an audio description for the visually impaired. The statement begins:
“At Netflix, we work hard to continually improve the experience for our members when viewing movies and shows on our service, including providing accessibility across devices. Now we’re expanding our accessibility options by adding audio description on select titles, beginning today with our new critically acclaimed series, Marvel’s Daredevil.”
Audio description on Netflix will provide an additional layer of narrative which accompanies the scripted dialogue and details the entire scene from a characters actions and expressions as well as describing the settings and costumes and more.
Netflix will initially offer its new accessibility feature to English-language markets as an option on shows including Daredevil as well as House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Marco Polo and another recent addition The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, with the audio description to become available on more programs soon.
Also See: Daredevil Arrives on Netflix – Full First Season Streaming Now!