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Multiplayer Gaming Driverless Style – Challenge Local Vehicles

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Multiplayer gaming driverless while you travel, sound good?

Advances in tech have pushed development forwards. Researchers studied gaming in particular.

So, you have a long journey coming up.  Why not challenge another traveler along the way? That’s right, instead of guessing the next cars colour, you can game the whole journey through!

Obviously, not safe in anything other than a self-driving (autonomous) car! 

On top of this there are already multiplayer games out there, what’s new?

In-Car Gaming Study

Researchers from The University of Waterloo’s faculty of Mathematics in Canada collaborating with Waterloo Game Institute studied three games. The games were Killerball, Billiards and Decoration. The research also suggests other types of in-car travel games worthy of study.

These games are designed for playing in driverless cars. Instead of having to find challengers or teammates online, the extra players will be found in the cars around your vehicle.

The games studied are designed to only work in certain vehicles. Specifically, these vehicles are able to detect the local environment. They also have a high enough level of understanding to make decisions themselves, without human interaction.

The games in particular have certain features. These features remain true throughout:

The Multiplayer driverless games used are designed with  heads-up displays in mind. This is very similar in function to augmented reality.
The researchers behind the study see a future where most vehicles windows are heads-up displays. Vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V) in this future is also standard .

The games themselves also take into account newly added in-car features such as head tracking.

As mentioned previously on Gadgethelpline, the autonomous revolution is coming.

In summary. Whether you like digital gaming or not, menial tasks are slowly becoming a thing of the past.


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Source: Waterloo University Canada