Adobe Flash Player Lives! Multimedia App Supporters (inc. BBC) Keep Software on Google Play Store

With the arrival of HTML 5 for smartphones and tablets, the Flash Player app for the platforms seemed to be going the way of the dodo and its developer Adobe recently pulled the plug on all future updates to the multimedia software. This came as great news to some who felt the software was too obsolete and more a hindrance than a help in the currently demanding arena of mobile media content.

Today however it’s being reported that BBC and a number of other supporters have prevented the current version of the app Adobe Flash Player 11 from being completely removed from the Google Play store for Android gadgets. Despite no further improvements (what could be done?) Flash has remained idle on the former Android Market with Adobe confirming in the app’s description that no further revisions will be available and the product ‘WILL NOT’ be supported beyond current Android standard 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

BBC’s popular iPlayer service which is available online and on many Google Android and Apple iOS running mobile devices is dependent on Flash Player to deliver its free on-demand content to the masses and the removal of the app will of course slow down the world’s biggest broadcaster’s digital push which is doing incredibly well. Not to mention cutting us telly addicts off from our on-the-move fix of top programming like Doctor Who and Eastenders (not so much.)

Adobe backs the Beeb today saying “Flash Player continues to be available on Google Play for users in the UK for a short while due to requests from strategic partners.”

So a victory for Flash.. For now.

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