Al Gore Confirms Multiple iPhones Coming in October

We’ve noticed more iPhone rumours floating around the internet today, with the name Al Gore tagged onto it.

Now, normally we wouldn’t suspect Al Gore as a prime suspect for leaking Apple knowledge or in fact having it. Mr Gore has been speaking of multiple iPhones coming out next month, and we’ve got to admit that initially we thought “he must have just read the other rumours going around online”.

How foolish of us! Al Gore is in fact a member of the Board of Directors at Apple, therefore we’d say he is most probably correct when talking of two iPhones coming out during October.

When speaking to an audience in Johannesburg SA recently at the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit, Gore said “Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug.” Notice the plural.

It would appear that the Ex-Vice President of the USA has just let the cat out of the bag. Even though the pile of iPhone rumours is ever increasing in size and we’re already pretty sure there will be an iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, this is pretty solid confirmation coming from a Director at Apple.

The world is anticipating the next iPhone, the iPhone 5, to launch next month alongside a slightly improved version of the iPhone 4 which will be aimed at the Pay as you Go market.

Through what we’ve heard, we expect an ‘iPhone 4S’ to launch alongside the iPhone 5 next month. We expect it to have an improved 8-megapixel camera, proximity and light sensors, and a smaller 8GB memory to help bring the costs down.

We reported earlier this week that the new CEO of Apple Tim Cook is likely to announce the new iPhones at an Apple Media Event on October 4th.

Do you think Al Gore is correct, or was his statement a slip of the tongue? Let us know by adding a comment below this article.