Alton Towers Latest High-Flying Attraction is Unlimited Wi-Fi with The Cloud

Thrill-seekers visiting the U.K’s Largest Theme Park Alton Towers this summer will not only reach up  to 60+ foot heights with exciting rides such as Oblivion and Nemesis but their gadgets will also be up in the Cloud – thanks to free Wi-Fi provided by BskyB.

The wireless internet service goes live in the next few weeks ahead of the busy summer school holiday season and will cover both the theme park itself and the guest accommodation. Visitors at the Alton Towers Resort will benefit from quick access to the web to upload and share a day’s worth of photo memories from the comfort of one of the site’s hotel rooms – or to report your annoyance to your Twitter followers while waiting in those inevitable queues!

Floating internet scheme the Cloud will host and handle the unlimited uploads/downloads and is owned by British digital company BskyB which already provides around ten thousand U.K Wi-Fi hotspots in popular locations such as tourist spots, eateries and shopping destinations. An Alton Towers spokesperson has stated that this roll out will bring the venue up to date and make it more “exciting and interactive”.

Interestingly it was Alton Towers which became the first theme park to ban smartphone use back in 2008 during the summer holiday period. With visitors asked to hand over their gadgets before entering “PDA Free” Zones.

Unlimited internet at Britain’s top theme park is pretty great news but whipping out your iPhone whilst riding Rita would not be advised!

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