Amoeba modular USB flash drive – Multi segmented data storage gadget

A South Korean designer has come up with a very unique way of storing our data with flash drives. Basing his design on the traditional USB flash drive, Hyunsoo Song has created a concept for the Amoeba modular flash drive.

The Amoeba is a segmented device which in concept could be used as one complete storage unit or separated into four or less segments. To connect the segments, each individual drive has an input USB and output port. Pop one end into a laptop or PC, or use 2 or more – It’s a USB centipede that would be portioned to a specific data allowance per segment, meaning you can store specific files in each piece of the flash drive separating them by importance or for reasons of security.

It’s really quite a simple idea – four drives into one, which proposes a world of potential for storing our files. For example, one module could hold our photos and another, our music or work documents. However, since this is purely a concept design right now, there’s not idea of what capacity for the data storage the Amoeba will come with, should it get off the ground.

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