Industry statistics are showing yet more market dominance for Google’s Android OS – a staggering amount of phones shipped to retailers online and in store are using Android operating systems on board.

Around 84% of smartphones have gone out with an Android OS on board, according to Strategy Analytics, a firm specializing in correlating and examining data on the smartphone industry.

SEE ALSO: Budget Android One Phones Going Global

Another interesting factor in the Android story is the globalization of smartphones – emerging economies currently languishing on brick phones and older more basic devices are opening up too the smartphone.

Smartphones shipped to manufacturers increased 27 percent last year from 252.9 million units in 2013’s third business quarter to 320.4 million in 2014’s Q3. The developing world are accounting for a large amount of these phones.

Android isn’t going to become any more difficult to get hold of in countries like India, as Android’s Android One phone, announced earlier in the year, is about to hit markets overseas. The phone is a simple, robust smartphone designed to ship out en masse, and for cheap, to the developing economies in Asia and Latin America.

The Android One is a smartphone designed with the developing world in mind.

Of course, when one product’s market share grows, another diminishes. Blackberry for example, command just one percent of phone operating systems shipped, due to lack of interest in the Blackberry 10 operating system and the phones it ships on.

Jason Chen at blackberry has already announced the Blackberry Classic, a back to basics smartphone for Blackberry which hopes to capitalise on the nostalgia factor of the much loved devices of yore.

SEE ALSO: Blackberry Debuts New Classic Style Mobile

Strategy Analytics also reports that the big tech names are taking hits due to Android – Apple has dropped a percentage point of market share due to the lack of a lower end phone and less appeal to those with less income – Apple has recently announced that they will never try to appeal to lower end markets, so this decline may roll on unchecked.

Meanwhile, Windows Phones are struggling to take hold overseas in key markets such as China and Japan, where the phones just don’t have the appeal of devices from more ‘local’ manufacturers which use Android.

Analytics show that propagating their OS to many manufacturers for little cost has proved a massive success for Google, as Android moves ever onward on their quest to dominate the smartphone market.

Via: Techspot

Source: Strategy Analytics