Android Device Manager will password lock your missing or stolen phone

Google has added a sneaky little update to the Android Device Manager app for Android phones and tablets that will now allow users to remotely access their Android device and then add a password as a security measure, so as to prevent anyone from finding and then using the device.

The Android Device Manager app was released back in August and already has some remote connection features for Android devices including the ability to track the location of a lost or stolen Android device using the GPS system. You can also remotely tell the device to ring, so as to help you locate the phone if it’s nearby and if all else fails, you can erase all of the handset’s data.

The new lockdown feature will settle many users’ minds in the early stages of a lost or misplaced phone scenario as it saves on the drastic measure of deleting all of your data as a precaution. There are still some very charitable souls out there who will hand in a lost mobile phone so erasing everything immediately is often a bit hasty, especially if you have spent ages setting up your Android phone to suit you!

The feature is very easy to set up and will automatically be put in place for most Android users who have the app installed. You will first need to make sure that you have enabled remote connection on your device via the Android Device Manager.

Accessing and logging in to your Google account you have on your phone will show your registered Android phone(s) and from there users will be able to see where the handset is using Google Maps, send the request to make the handset ring, lock the device with a password or erase all of the data remotely.

It’s a simple system and is a must-know feature for all Android users as no other device tends to carry as much personal data as your smartphone.