Android Takeover – Google’s popular mobile mascot becomes plastic hero!

That little Android sure gets himself around. Not only has the little green robot become the representative and mascot for the Google smartphone operating system but he’s been replicated and merchandised and become one of the symbolic icons of the 21st Century. Appearing on a plethora of cash-ins, such as t-shirts, hats, mugs and rugs – the diminutive ‘droid even has his own range of action figures!

DyzPlastic has just revealed the latest in their series of customized plastic Meet the Androids figurines. Beginning back in 2010 with Standard Green – the ‘droids went through many different paint jobs from Power Vampire, Snowman, Chinese New Year and a whole variety of seasonal and just plain random themed characters – the newest line features Heroes & Villains.

Ready to leap out of the pages of a comic book, The Meet the Androids: Heroes & Villains range of four figurines will be suitably appearing in the flesh (or polymer) at the San Diego Comic Con on July 20th for fan-boys and fan-girls to get a first ogle at Google’s beloved mobile mascot in his newest guise.

With such popularity and cred within tech and geek circles, would it be going too far to think an Android comic book could be on the horizon? Or maybe even a Hollywood blockbuster featuring an appealing miniature mascot and his ambitions to gain worldwide OS distribution?

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