Anonymous hacking group set to bring down Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg should probably be worried. A group claiming to be the hacking masterminds Anonymous has detailed plans for an attempt to bring down Facebook on November 5th 2011, citing the social network’s privacy issues as the cause.

The so-called ‘Operation Facebook’ has been revealed via Twitter, with the account @OP_Facebook directing followers to a video on which the plans are laid out. The video says:

‘We wish to get your attention, hoping you heed the warnings as follows: Your medium of communication you all so dearly adore will be destroyed. If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy.’

It ends with the message to ‘Kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy’, and that ‘You are not safe from them’. Anonymous claims that the social networking giant has been selling your details to foreign governments, and that it has to stop.

Will this plan bring about the end of Facebook? Or is Operation Facebook a ruse? Let us know your thoughts on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.