App of the Week: Gifture for iPhone

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If you’re anything like us then you’ll love to partake in whiling away hours on the internet looking at GIFs. There’s just something mesmerising about those short moving images – we can’t put our finger on it but they’re brilliant.

So naturally, when we heard about an app that lets you create GIFs on your iPhone with ease, we got right on it. Gifture is an app that is best described as Instagram but with GIFs, mostly due to its similar layout and social aspect.

It’s a free download from the App Store and will work on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, as long as it’s running iOS 5 or later. What’s better, it’s mighty easy to use. You’ll need to either link the app to your Facebook or Twitter account, or set up a separate Gifture account in order to get started.

Once you’ve done that you’re ready to start creating your own GIFs and checking out others. You can see if friends from Facebook and Twitter are already using Gifture and ‘follow’ them, Twitter style. When somebody that you follow posts a GIF, it will appear in your Feed, which is one of 5 options found at the bottom of the screen.

Next to Feed you’ll also find Popular – a tab showing the most popular GIFs on Gifture – the Camera tool – for creating a new GIF – Activity – for seeing who has liked and commented on your GIFs – and Account – for settings and logging in and out etc.

Creating a GIF couldn’t be easier, and there are two ways of doing it. You can create a GIF by stitching together several photos that have already been taken and stored on your phone in the Photo app, or you can shoot a brand new one.

When shooting a new GIF you can choose how many long or short you want to be by changing the frames – 2, 5, 10 and 20 are available. The flash can be activated to stay on permanently for GIF’ing in low light and you can change between auto and manual mode. Finally, you can also choose to switch to the front-facing camera if your device has one, should you want to make a GIF of yourself  – there are plenty of people doing that already it seems, you won’t be alone.

Once you’ve shot your GIF and watched it back, the app presents three basic filters that you can add if you so wish, Instagram style: Black and White, Sepia and Pop. We’re not sure why you’d want these really, but they’re fun nonetheless. At this point you can also choose the speed at which the GIF runs – anywhere between 1 and 10 frames per second can be selected.

Hit the tick in the bottom right corner and add a title before posting to Facebook or Twitter if you so wish. It’s surprisingly fun and can be used to make some hilarious GIFs. The best bit about Gifture? Fred Durst – yes, THE Fred Durst – uses it, and you can follow him to see GIFs of his tiny and ridiculous dog.

If you fancy checking it out for yourself then let us know how you get on, tweet your GIFs to @Gadget_Helpline.

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.

