These days an app can be used for almost anything; for fun, to promote a brand or product, to provide knowledge, or for many other purposes. In the case of our app of the week, Picture Switcha, fun and promotion are combined, all in the good name of charity.

We love a good fun app and Picture Switcha certainly fits the bill. The app’s menu is simple and straightforward, while being different to the norm. When you load up the app you’ll be placed in a side-scrolling street with some brilliant 2D cartoon artwork, and rather than having a boring text-based menu, each building in the street represents a different part of the app.

Some buildings will take you to the fun aspects of the game, and some will teach you about the charity behind the app: Accommodation Concern. For example, tapping on the Accommodation Concern building will result in a cloud giving you the low-down on just what the charity does and what it’s all about.

Once you know a bit about the charity it’s about time to investigate the fun aspect of Picture Switcha. As the title may give away, this app involves just a little bit of picture manipulation! Hidden within the Grate Estates building you’ll find a fun little cartoon-style photo editor whereby you can create your own cartoon building – you can either start from scratch with the standard building, or you can link in with your iPhone’s camera to either take a picture or import one from your Camera Roll, adding in resizable accessories to make it look exactly how you want it.

By far our favourite is ‘The Hairtaker’, which gives you the chance to take a snap of a friend and then make them look utterly ridiculous using a selection of brilliant cartoon facial features and accessories. We’ll leave the possibilities up to your imagination, but take a look at our efforts below and see if you can do better. Whatever your creation, Picture Switcha will let you save it and share it via Facebook, Twitter and Email.

You might say we’re biased because we love tech, but we think that adding a fun and interactive element is the best way to get people learning about anything, especially when it comes to the iPhone; something that everyone from a toddler to your grandparents can pick up and use with relative ease these days. Picture Switcha is a real triumph in our opinion, and one that we hope will encourage people to learn more about the seriousness of homelessness and the Accommodation Concern charity, all while having fun.

Picture Switcha can be downloaded for free from the App Store now.

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