Could Apple be calling their streaming service iCloud?

Well, let’s be honest, if Apple are indeed planning on launching a music streaming service, I’d say the chances of them calling it “iCloud” it’s pretty high, wouldn’t you agree?

In fact, this may be exactly what they intend to do. Interesting, a company based in Sweden called Xcerion DID own and operated a streaming service which went by the name of “iCloud”. Now, Om Malik from TechCrunch has received a tip from an unidentified source saying that Apple has purchased the domain name and also trademark from Xcerion for $4.5 million.

TechCrunch decided to contact the company and got a nicely worded non-denial letter detailing why the company has decided to change the name from “iCloud” to “CloudMe”.

Quite interesting developments I’d say, although again it’s just a waiting game until Apple decides they want to let us all know what’s going on.

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