Apple to fix lockscreen security issue with forthcoming iOS 6.1.3 update

Apple will finally issue a fix for the recently discovered security flaw that allows users to bypass the lock screen on an iPhone, by means of an iOS 6.1.3 software update.

The problem arose in iOS 6.1 and subsequently hasn’t been fixed in the minor updates Apple has released since; iOS 6.1.1 and iOS 6.1.2. However, it now seems that a fix has been applied and is currently in testing.

iOS updates are usually pushed out to developers to test before going live to the public, and right now iOS 6.1.3 is being tested. Developers have confirmed that the flaw is patched in this update, and so hopefully it will be eradicated, again, when the update goes live to the world.

As we mentioned before when the bug was first spotted, it allows the lock code on an iPhone to be bypassed by quickly calling and hanging up on the emergency number, followed by a double click of the power button. This then allows you to skip the requested four digit lock code and gain access to call records, contacts and pictures on an iPhone.

Apple’s last update, iOS 6.1.2, issued a fix for a bug affecting Exchange calendar functionality, causing batteries to be drained much quicker than they should.

With testing currently taking place we would imagine that Apple will release the update publically within the next 2 weeks.