Tag: update
iPhone alarm not going off? Try these simple solutions
Setting your morning alarm is an integral part of our night time routines to ensure we wake up on time the next morning. If you find your iPhone alarm hasn’t gone off as expected in the morning, you will likely have to rush to get ready when you wake up which is far from ideal.…
VR Update For The Year Ahead – What Could Be Virtually Hot Or Not
VR update incoming. Is virtual reality beginning to seem like something tech companies used to talk about a couple of years ago? So, feeling uncomfortable with the calm we had a look into developments. Lets see what’s cooking for the virtual year ahead… Before we look ahead, it may be a good thing to go…
PS NOW Adds Huge Library Update – New Console War?
PS Now have added a huge library update that can be accessed using most devices including PC. This means you can play PS games on your PC without needing an emulator! Atari or Amiga? Nintendo or Sega? Playstation or Xbox? The world of gaming technology has always been afflicted with a loud, often less than…