Apple Names New Chairman and Director

With the sad passing of Apple CEO Steve Jobs there is sure to be plenty of changes happening at the Cupertino company and today Apple announced some of these changes with a new Chairman and Director.

Since the passing of its legendary co-founder Steve Jobs, Apple is looking to avoid any concerns about a power-vacuum at the top and today’s announcements of two corporate heavyweights should quash any such rumours.

Apple has added Disney CEO Bob Iger to its board of directors. Iger has been a long time friend of Apple ever since Jobs sold Pixar to Disney and made Jobs the company’s largest shareholder, giving Jobs a seat on Disney’s board in addition.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Iger will “make an extraordinary addition.” Cook added: “His strategic vision for Disney is based on three fundamentals: generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and utilizing the latest technology, and expanding into new markets around the world which makes him a great fit for Apple

Apple also announced that they have appointed former Genentech CEO Arthur Levinson as its non-executive chairman. He’s been on the board of directors since 2000 and has also served as the co-lead director of the board since 2005.

Cook also spoke of Apple’s decision to make Levinson chairman: “Art has made enormous contributions to Apple since he joined the board in 2000,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a statement. “He has been our longest serving co-lead director, and his insight and leadership are incredibly valuable to Apple, our employees and our shareholders.

I am honored to be named chairman of Apple’s board,” Levinson said in the release. “Apple is always focused on out-innovating itself through the delivery of truly innovative products that simplify and improve our lives, and that is something I am very proud to be a part of

So it’s all change at Apple, but can they retain the “magic” that many experienced through their legendary ex-CEO?

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