Apple’s Founding Documents Signed by Steve Jobs Sold for $1.6-Million

Paper’s from the founding days of Apple Inc. featuring the signature of late tech pioneer and company CEO Steve Jobs have been sold for $1.6 million at a Sotherby’s auction house.

The document is dated April 1st 1976 and as well as Jobs’ scribble, co-founders Steve Wozniak and lesser-known Ronald Wayne appear on the dotted line. The point of sale here is clearly Steve Jobs. But the man most involved in this story is actually Ronald Wayne.

Wayne parted ways with Apple in the late 70s, selling his shares at the time for only $800 – but with the papers (of unforeseen value) still in his possession. He sold them to Wade Saadi, founder of Pencom Systems (an IT recruitment company) in 1994 for just a few thousand.

17 years and two severely naïve moves later and Saadi sold the papers yesterday, which were predicted to fetch around $150,000 but instead earning himself a fair bit more to say the least. The documents carry the recently passed Jobs’ penmanship and detail the plans and amendments made in the formative days of the richest tech company in the world.

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