BlackBerry 10 L-Series phone leaks in high quality images

We’ve been seeing more and more of the forthcoming BlackBerry 10 phones lately, although almost all of the images have been blurry or of poor quality. Step in Vietnamese gadget site Tinhte, who have obtained some high quality snaps of the new L Series smartphone.

Unlike the white Dev Alpha B phone we recently spotted online, this phone is the real deal, according to the site. Rather than being one of the similar-looking developer handsets this is said to be the finished product and the first phone that RIM will launch in its L Series for BlackBerry 10 early next year.

Tinhte has a great record of tracking down gadgets before they launch thanks to its huge following in the Far East, and in the past it has secured sneak peeks of new iPads, iPhones and even the Galaxy S3 before they all launched.

Shots of the first L Series phone reveal that the handset is based on the Dev Alpha phones we’ve already seen, with a design that looks to be a mix of iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S2. It’s an all-black finish with the same perforated rear cover that you’ll see in the teaser image on the new BlackBerry 10 site. Silver buttons punctuate the black casing on the top and right edges of the phone, serving a purpose as standby, volume and camera functions.

It looks as though RIM will be sticking with the classic silver BlackBerry slogan below the screen up front and the silver ‘B’ logo on the back in the centre. Aside from that, the handset doesn’t really throw back to any BlackBerry phone from the past, showing that RIM is looking to press forward and give people something new.

The rear panel is a pull-off affair, so we’re told, with slots for micro SIM and micro SD memory card inside alongside a rather long battery.

Hopefully we’ll start to see the QWERTY-keyboard toting N Series phone soon to give us an idea of what RIM will be offering for the typists out there.