First BlackBerry 10 phones to go on sale in February 2013

The first BlackBerry 10 smartphones will hit stores here in the UK in February 2013, as well as other locations around the world, RIM’s COO has confirmed.

Kristian Tear, Chief Operating Officer at Research in Motion, the company behind the BlackBerry brand, confirmed the shipping plans during an interview yesterday. RIM plans to ship the first BlackBerry 10 devices in February, shortly after the January 30th launch date, and it’s likely to be nearer to the end of the month.

Speaking to Bloomberg, Tear confirmed the company’s hasty plans to get their new products into customers’ hands as soon as possible:

“We want to do it as quickly as possible,” Chief Operating Officer Kristian Tear said in an interview following RIM’s announcement of the Jan. 30 date earlier in the day. Though the first phones won’t go on sale simultaneously worldwide, RIM is aiming for a release on multiple continents within 30 days of the unveiling, Tear said.

We discovered yesterday that the company would be officially launching its new BlackBerry 10 operating system alongside multiple smartphones on January 30th 2013, and it’s thought that two very different phones will be revealed. The first will belong to the “L Series” and will be a button-less, full-touch phone, while the second will rock a smaller touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard combo, kick-starting the “N Series”.

RIM has also recently confirmed that it has over 50 networks worldwide that are testing the new software and devices ready for a launch. If the company wants to truly make an impact with their saving grace software they’ll need a big global launch on as many networks and in as many regions as possible, and we have our fingers crossed this goes well for them.

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Source: Bloomberg

Via: CrackBerry