BlackBerry 10 Phones to be Split Into All-Touch L-Series and QWERTY N-Series

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We recently told you that the first BlackBerry 10 smartphone would ditch the classic QWERTY keyboard, sporting nothing but a touchscreen for interaction.

While this might come as a shock to avid BlackBerry fans, we also confirmed that there will be BlackBerry 10 phones with the physical QWERTY keyboard. We’re now hearing that RIM will be splitting its BlackBerry 10 phones into two different series to help differentiate: the L-Series will be phones with full touchscreens, and the N-Series will include QWERTY keyboards.

The word comes from those BlackBerry fanatics over at N4BB, who’ve managed to obtain a sneaky picture of a promotional poster explaining the two types of phone. The N-Series models are much like the Alpha Developer phone we saw a while back, and will feature an impressive screen for the first model.

The first all-touch L-Series model will feature a stunning OLED screen with a resolution of 1280 x 768 pixels, and a high pixel density of 356ppi – that’s Retina Display beating stuff right there! The phones will be 55mm wide, although RIM states in the small print that not all future phones will use the snazzy OLED screen type; some may use LCD.

The N-Series models will also pack an impressive OLED screen to start with, which will give a 720 x 720 pixel resolution and a high pixel density of 330ppi – much higher than any QWERTY BlackBerry before. Handsets will be similarly sized, with the width expected to be between 52 and 53mm. Think of these models as the next generation of BlackBerry Bolds – we’re sure they’re going to please plenty of you.

It’s the L-Series model that appeals to us, with what sounds to be one of the best mobile phone screens around. We can’t wait to get our hands on one, can you?

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Via: N4BB