BlackBerry Bold 9900 Susceptible to Keyboard Damage from Supplied Holster

The new BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone could be prone to keyboard damage if used in conjunction with the supplied leather holster, manufacturer Research in Motion has warned.

Combining both a touchscreen and full QWERTY keyboard, the 9900 has been a fan favourite as well as being well received in the tech world (just check out our video review for evidence of that). We’ve heard very little in the way of problems with this well built and stylish phone, so this one comes as a bit of a surprise to us.

Research in Motion, the manufacturer behind the BlackBerry brand, has been readying a statement regarding a manufacturing defect with some of its Bold 9900 smartphones. Though the company hasn’t made it official yet, an internal document confirming this has leaked onto the web. From what we gather, the issue isn’t down to the phone itself, rather down to a batch of dodgy leather holsters that come supplied with the phones.

Some of the holsters are apparently prone to catching on the Bold 9900’s keyboard when taking the phone back out of the case. The same can also happen if you jam the phone into your holster a little too quickly or forcefully, says RIM.

It’s a strange issue, as RIM has been issuing leather holsters with its BlackBerry phones for years now, with no such problem arising with other Bold models. The leaked document says that redesigned holsters will be shipping with the phone with a matter of urgency, and for those who already have the phone, warranties will be extended from 12 months to 18 months to help combat any fatalities.

Stay tuned for the official word on this one from RIM, which should come in the next week or so.

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Via: PocketNow