Call of Duty: Black Ops II Origins trailer lands

Activision and Treyarch have pulled a surprise teaser announcement out of the bag today as a trailer for an incoming DLC pack for Black Ops 2 called Origins has been released, showing some pretty deep and dark action as well as a giant robot!

Little is known about Origins and what it entails but the video focusses on panning shots of 4 characters and some very gothic style images that suggest a new Call Of Duty Zombie mode. Treyarch is known for its excellent Zombie Mode story DLC packages with the Black Ops games so it’s expected that the studio will release at least one special package before the game’s lifespan is up in November with COD Ghosts being released.

Then again, the Origins DLC could be an standalone single player campaign which will add to the story of the Black Ops franchise that started with CoD: World at War. We simply do not know.

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However, we do know that there will be some kind of mecha robot that will be a focus of the game at some point, which is a very cool prospect for gamers. We don’t expect any TitanFall style robot combat but facing off against something like this sounds fun and challenging – perhaps a perk?

Black Ops II recently had the Vengeance add-on DLC which we and most others assumed would be the final piece in the Black Ops II puzzle but it appears Treyarch has one more offering to fill the gap between the next CoD game.

Check out the trailer below and let us know you thoughts!