Call of Duty: Ghosts artwork leaks as Tesco lets slip details

Well, here’s something we weren’t expecting. Thanks to UK supermarket Tesco, the name of the new Call of Duty title has been revealed early, along with the box art.

You might have been expecting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, as is the tradition with the game series, but the new game will be titled ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’. Surprised? Yep, we were too.

The retailer claimed that the game would be coming this December, which is a month later than usual, and so naturally we’re sceptical about this particular snippet of info. However, Tesco also published the PS3 box art for the game before quickly removing it. It’s a strange thing for such a big retailer to do, and we can imagine that Activison and Infinity Ward won’t be too pleased.

Speaking of Activision and Infinity Ward, the box art reveals that this year these two studios will be developing the next CoD title after Treyarch did Black Ops 2 last year.

Unfortunately we can’t take much from the cover art, although the chap pictured looks to be wearing a ghillie suit. Couple this with the name ‘Ghosts’ and we have a feeling that the game will focus on covert and sneaky operations – perhaps snipers.

Finally, we know that the game won’t be launching on any next-gen consoles. Although December is likely to be the time that Microsoft and Sony will be duelling it out for console supremacy at Christmas, Ghosts will be launching on the current crop of consoles. Next year will be first next-gen CoD title, we believe.