DICE reveals Battlefield 4 Multiplayer, Mirrors Edge 2 and Star Wars Battlefront

DICE at E3 have shown us plenty more gameplay footage of their upcoming catalogue of games in the EA segment, with Battlefield 4 getting the best coverage as expected, with a 64 player multiplayer demonstration of the Frostbite Engine FPS game.

If you’re familiar with the previous iterations of Battlefield you’ll be aware of the focus on multiplayer that they and fans place a priority on in the franchise and they’ve delivered once again in the ongoing quest to oust Call of Duty from its perch.

There’s a chance it could happen this time around with it being a launch title with DLC bundled for the Xbox One. Dice have re-introduced modes from previous versions such as Commander, which allows a member of the team to take an aerial view allowing order placement and the ability to call in airstrikes to take the opposing team on mass.

There’s even more destruction in this iteration, allowing full buildings to be taken down, as shown demo’d in the conquest mode in the Shanghai map and suffice to say; it’s pretty epic. The lucky press at E3 for the week will have the chance to get hands on and play the game in their booth and we wish we were there.

EA and DICE took the time to show off two other games in their E3 segment and there was the return of faith in Mirrors Edge 2 and a short and sweet sniff of a new Star Wars Battlefront game. More details to follow as information is released!