Dubstep remake of classic Nokia ringtone wins competition and $10,000

If you owned a mobile phone in the nineties, or knew somebody who did, then the chances are that Nokia’s classic ringtone will be engrained in your mind forever.

That little monophonic ringtone became iconic, back when Nokia ruled the roost in the mobile phone world. With their catchy iconic ringtone, Snake and hugely popular phones such as the Nokia 3310, things were great.

Unfortunately since then the smartphone has taken over, leaving Nokia a little behind. In an attempt to be ‘cool’ again, Nokia challenged the world to recreate their iconic ringtone, but with a modern twist. The winner would receive a prize of $10,000, and their creation would come preloaded on millions of Nokia phones in 2012.

The competition ran from the start of September until last week, and now Nokia has picked a winner. Italian DJ Valerio Alessandro Sizzi created his version of the classic ringtone, with a more modern dubstep twist. Nokia and their board of judges recognised this as the winning entry, and now it will be available to select as a ringtone on the company’s portfolio of devices to be sold in 2012.

The tone has been dubbed (bad pun?) ‘Nokia Tune Dubstep Edition’, and beat over 6200 other entries to win the competition. Mr Sizzi explained why he opted for a dubstep style when creating his tone:

“I made a dubstep version of the Nokia Tune because the style has become massively popular during the last two years. I just thought that a sparkling, cool version of the Nokia Tune would attract young customers.”

We can see the tune appealing to the younger market who love to blare music through the loudspeakers on their phones while on the bus and in other public places, but we can’t see it being much of a hit with the older generation. My dad, for example, will almost definitely dismiss it and go for “that classic telephone sound” that he loves so dearly.

Nokia is very happy with their choice of ringtone for the future, issuing a statement that reads:

“The winner represents very much the sound of now with its energetic dubstep take on the Nokia Tune. It uses the 24-second running time cleverly having a clear intro, mid section and ending, all sitting nicely next to each other. This was one of the many examples of the Nokia Tune’s melodic flexibility.”

We’re sure by now you’re dying to hear the winning ringtone, so check it out HERE and let us know what you think!

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