Dude Where’s My iPad? Steve Jobs Movie Starring Ashton Kutcher Filming in May – Release Set for Late 2012

Unfortunately for Apple afficionados it was announced on April 2nd – proving it was by no means an April Fools hoax – that Ashton Kutcher would portray tech visionary and their beloved brand’s late CEO Steve Jobs in a movie based on his life, entitled “Jobs: Get Inspired”. Despite the quite obvious Jobs comparable appearance of Kutcher, we hoped it was all an elaborate ruse. But sadly no, the film is now reported to go into production in May and is suggested to be released in the fourth quarter of 2012.

There is a possibility that independantly funded flick “Jobs: Get Inspired” starring the Dude Where’s My Car? and Two and a Half Men “star” and face of MTV show Punk’d will go unnoticed next to a Hollywood backed movie also focusing on the life and career of the innovator of the iPhone and iPod, which at present has no lead actor cast, but we could be wrong and Kutcher could pull off a better Jobs – it’s just very hard to seperate him from the dimwitted screen personas and picture him as a world renowned pioneer and media icon.

There’s so much to tell about the life of Steve Jobs, from his beginnings as a high school dropout to founder of Apple and his battle with with panacreatic cancer which after a hard fought battle brought about the sad end of his life. So, we’re really hoping the indie movie, directed by Joshua Michael Stern, doesn’t turn out to be some kind of spoof. Now the production crews are getting ready to roll, only time will tell!

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