E3 2011: Gears of War 3 Red Limited Edition Xbox 360 & gameplay demo

Gears of War 3 is coming! And if you have a taste for war and gore this limited edition Xbox 360 console making an impact on the crowds at the E3 conference in Los Angeles might just be the perfect companion piece to the anticipated sequel!

To be released on September 20th, the title from Epic games will be the third in the third-person shooter franchise and final in the current story arc. Gears of War 3 was previewed at the conference yesterday at the Microsoft keynote presenting us with some tasty teasers for the future of Xbox 360 alongside fellow shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This awesome “GoW3” themed blood-splattered console debuted shortly after and is set to coincide with the games release.

The limited edition Microsoft Xbox 360 comes straight out of the war zone packing an explosive 320GB hard drive with ultra-cool fully-customized paint job featuring Gears of War iconography. Detailing covers the console itself all the way down to its pair of accompanying controllers.

A copy of Gears of War 3 will of course come along with the package, and there’s a selection of downloadable content onboard including exclusive “Infected Omen” weapons package and an additional multiplayer character.

The Red Limited Edition Xbox 360 will be blasting into stores as a package for $400 – with additional controllers available separately for $60 when the ultimate Gears of War 3 package is released for public sale.

Enjoy the Gears of War 3 gameplay demo from E3 and see what you can enjoy on the Limited Edition Xbox 360!

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Image: Joystiq / Video: IGN