Eurogamer Expo 2013: One to Watch – ‘Master Reboot’ from Wales Interactive

Yesterday the Gadget Helpline visited the Eurogamer Expo 2013 at Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre in London. We bore witness to war-torn battlegrounds, high seas adventure and epic scenes of fantasy from some of the biggest and most respected franchises in next gen and future gen gaming with titles such as Battlefield 4, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD all on show for an expected 70,000 visitors this weekend.

But venture into the shadow of these tried and tested giants and you will find some delightful new ideas over in the Rezzed Indie Arcade – a section of the exhibition hall dedicated to showcasing the work of independent developers and their fledgling properties.

In the Rezzed area we were fortunate enough to meet some of the developers from BAFTA Games award winning Wales Interactive who were showing off a particularly interesting first person sci-fi/horror title called Master Reboot which has gained the attention of the industry and the thumbs-up from Sony for future launch on PS3, as well as recently being green lit for release via online platform Steam.

The concept of Master Reboot is that when we die, in the not too far off future, we no longer have to worry about Heaven or Hell – we’ll have our spirit safely stored in the ‘Soul Cloud’, a part of the internet reserved for all of our lifetime memories and a place where family and friends can visit us after death to relive the special times we shared when we were alive. The game allows players to explore the massive domain of the Soul Cloud, but things may not be entirely as safe as they seem as mysteries unfold within this digital based afterlife..

Master Reboot is a stylized psychological sci-fi thriller packed with puzzles, suspense and surprises from the outset and with 34 intriguing and immersive environments created by Lead Designer Sarah Crossman and the team at Wales Interactive, there’s plenty to keep you up all night – and that’s not just the scares!

We recommend if you’re visiting the Eurogamer Expo this weekend that you check out the Rezzed Indie Arcade and give Master Reboot a try!