European Commission to Reduce Call, Text & Data Fees for E.U Visitors from July

If you’re planning a trip abroad this summer to one of our neighbouring E.U countries this newsworthy items will sound like an Italian opera and will leave a few pesetas in your pocket for one more Spanish sangria. The E.U Commission has decided to lower the cost of international mobile fees within the European Union from July.


The cost reduction (in Euros) will affect calls, texts and roaming data charges and the plan is to reduce these fees further in coming years. Take a trip to France today and your phone usage will cost you 35 cents each minute for a call made, 11 cents for a call received and 11 cents per SMS message sent. On the 1st of July this will change to 29 cents per call made, 8 cents for a call taken and 9 cents for a text made.

By 2014 the Commission’s plan is to have all charges reduced by a generous 5 cents on calls made, 1-2 cents on call received and 2 cents per year on SMS. Overall quite a saving considering the “rip off” fees currently being demanded and internet data will also be in store for considerable discounts dependant on network providers.

Time to book that flight perhaps?

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