Get your V for Vendetta mask ready and prepare to send out some ominous voice-altered YouTube video demands, because Facebook has added a brand new way to enjoy their site for all of you Anonymouses out there.

The Tor browser, represented by an onion (because they have layers, just like being behind 7 proxies), is instantly recognizable as the number one way to engage in darknet activities such as trading hot property or candid photos of your favorite celebrity.

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Now, Facebook has addressed multiple complaints from surfers of the darknet over getting their site to work on the 100% private browser. Some users, who may or may not be up to no good, have demanded that the login errors on Tor cease so they can continue to browse under the radar whilst posting the pics from last summer’s barbecue.

Facebook’s solution, created by the intriguingly named Alec Muffett, allows Tor browser users to login without errors using a special link – https://facebookcorewwwi.onion/ – which drops them straight into the deep dark innards of Facebook without some of the complex bouncing around servers. If you’re on Tor right now we urge you to give it the old try – but be warned, it won’t work if you’re not on Tor.

Members of Anonymous, and indeed anyone wanting to be anonymous, can now browse Facebook… anonymously. Expect them.

Blogging on behalf of the project, Muffett outlined that Facebook’s architecture – how it’s coded and servers are arranged – had previously not allowed for Tor access to the site. SSL security sitting atop the internal ‘www’ or ‘world wide web’ component of Facebook has previously made it hard for Tor users to get in. This link attempts to deal with that.

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Muffett’s, and Facebook’s, decision is yet another part of the global government snooping scandal – people want to browse the web without being ‘backtraced by the cyber-police’, as it were. Anonymity is paramount in the atmosphere of mistrust of authority, and not only that, some users have pointed out that as well as becoming more inclusive for Anons, Facebook’s Tor gateway could also help ease access for those in countries where the government keep a tight rein on the internet, such as China.

Whatever their reasoning, the best of today’s tech companies are trying their best to fight back against the snooping, with encryption, proxies and all manner of technologies designed to keep people’s data as safe as possible. Points for Facebook then, as their Tor gateway goes live.

Source: Techspot

Via: Facebook