Facebook Announces Music Integration With Spotify, Deezer and Mixcloud

As many had already anticipated (including us!), Facebook announced a brand new music streaming service at its f8 media event this evening.

Again, as expected, Spotify is the main partner in the deal. Your Facebook news feed will now incorporate music posts and the ability to play a song from an update posted by a friend.

A brand new Spotify dashboard will be added to your Facebook homepage, giving you access to the music streaming service through the Social Network. The new ‘ticker’ time feed that has popped up in the top right of the Facebook homepage will now show what your friends are listening to, and you can simply click play on their status to listen to the same track.

To use Spotify with Facebook you’ll need to sign yourself up to a Free account, giving you access to their huge online category of music, consisting of over 15 million tracks.

Spotify have put together a pretty awesome animated video to explain how the whole thing will work.

Artist profiles on Facebook will now be able to display their tunes easily to allow Facebookers to hit play and listen through Spotify, something Spotify says will drive music sales.

Two other smaller music-streaming services, Deezer and Mixcloud, will also be added to the new Facebook layout.  Both will be available as apps, and contribute towards the overall listening experience.

We’re currently awaiting Spotify with Facebook to go live, but as soon as it does we’ll be putting it through its paces and letting you know what we think. Stay tuned!