Facebook set for Read, Listened and Watched buttons at f8 event

Yet more changes are coming to Facebook as the company holds its f8 annual conference this week from the 22nd Sept in San Francisco, and already little bits of news are coming out about what to expect.

This biggest change that is set to be announced is a new News Feed option which is a redesigned News Feed page that is dedicated to what users are doing entertainment-wise, so Movies, Music, Books and TV that you are interested in or are using.

Then, similar to the “Like” button functionality, Facebook will be launching several new buttons including “Read,” “Listened,” “Watched” tags, along with developers having the ability to add their own spins on the buttons to change to things like “Want,” “Desire” or “Need”.

These new features will be supported by a host of new media applications and streaming services to feed information directly into a user’s Facebook page. As per usual users will then be able to share their Music and Movie tastes with their friends, loved ones and random people they say hi to and frequently post all over your wall.

Currently it’s unclear what will happen when a user has hit the one of the new buttons but what can probably assume is a host of advertising and links to the sites for Facebook as it continues to monetise the features on its site.

However, it’s clear that the new features will add another layer of personalisation to the social networking site and we for one can’t wait to see the features confirmed and see it live on Thursday at the f8 conference.

Check out Facebook’s latest Twitter syncing update here>>

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