Facebook ‘Subscribe’ feature brings the social network closer to Twitter

The battle between Facebook and Twitter rages on. In its latest development, the war has seen the former steal a pretty major feature from the latter. What are we on about? In short: Facebook is about to launch a ‘subscribe’ feature, which will bring any public updates from people you’re interested (but aren’t actually ‘friends’ with) into your feed.

This means you can start to subscribe to a certain celebrity or influential figure, and have their public posts appear in your news feed. It’s exactly this way of working that’s made Twitter so popular, so it’s no wonder Facebook has borrowed the idea to up its game.

The Subscribe feature doesn’t just stop at stalking celebs, though. It can also be used as a sort of Google+ style filter of what you want to see more or less of. On friends’ profiles you’ll be able to select or deselect certain types of post. You could choose to see every kind of update from one friend, for example, and deselect certain things from another, so that your feed doesn’t clog up with their Bejewelled of FarmVille scores all day.

Is this a good step for Facebook or a simple swiping of Twitter’s main trade? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.