Fifty Shades of Grey Skyrockets Amazon Kindle Sales

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If you haven’t heard of “Fifty Shades of Grey” yet you may count yourself lucky, but the UK and US’s current obsession with the affectionately dubbed “Mommy Porn” has currently taken the book world by storm, and apparently the mega-selling books are also showing a huge rise in eBook sales.

High street retailer Comet has claimed that Fifty Shades of Grey has increased its Amazon Kindle sales by up to a massive 71% with the books being incorporated in the purchase in eBook format. However, this figure does differ depending on where you live in the UK as Comet reports that the lofty rise of 71% is only for southerners, and people ‘up north’ have only caused a 31% rise.

Figures show that those in the south have more of an appetite for the sordid tales of Mr Grey (especially in Kindle format) than those the north are less fussed by the naughty tales.

Further research showed the highest number of Kindle reader purchases took place on 24th June and 1st July, both of which those with a good memory will recall was during a certain football tournament that may have been taking many a man’s attention from their ladies.

The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy currently holds three of the four top spots in the Amazon Kindle Store, both as individual books and as the complete set.

It was recently reported that the Fifty Shades trilogy had broken the previous record held by the Harry Potter franchise as the fastest selling paperback of all time, so the book has already cemented itself in history but with more books, a film and possibly countless other converts to the books it looks like we may be seeing more of Mr Grey in the next years.

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