French regulators ban use of “Facebook” and “Twitter” in television & radio broadcast

Social networking craziness once again – this time from France! The French regulatory body for television and radio, the CSA, has slapped a ban on news readers preventing them from using the terms “Facebook” and “Twitter” – referring back to a 1992 government ruling stating that no broadcast of a news program should include “promotion of commercial enterprises”.

The ban applies on the social site names only, so if a news reader wants us to visit his or her broadcaster’s social web domain they are allowed to tell us that one exists – they just aren’t allowed to tell us where.

The Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel attempting to justify the ban state “Why give preference to Facebook, which is worth billions of dollars, when there are many other social networks that are struggling for recognition?” – In fairness, an unbiased approach but one that could become costly both financially and in terms of exposure for France’s broadcasters.

Facebook and Twitter are huge tools for broadcasters worldwide who encourage us to follow their news services, with the majority of online presences being social-based. This ban will no doubt have a huge effect on the exposure broadcasters depend on in the 21st century of promotion and publicity.

Social networking is used as a powerful and influential tool – if you’re not there, you’re left behind.

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