Gaming Weekly – Post Apocalyptic RPG’s, Rambo Games and no Skyrim demo

Everything’s getting a bit new in here

Rumour has it there’s an all new and fantastic post-apocalyptic shooter on the way, one with vehicles, stunted enemies and RPG elements.

According to the grapevine, id software (the Doom people) are just about to release their latest offering later this year. Rage is an awesome game, with some sweet looking graphics and enemies, but sadly, this isn’t the game you’re looking for.

Somewhere in Texas, a behemoth is in the works. Its description pretty much correlates with the first paragraph, but this game has a billion (and two) guns behind it.

Okay, enough with the enigmatic stuff, Borderlands 2 is here, and announced. The sequel to the addictive action RPG that had so many weapons that you rarely come across the same shooter twice, Borderlands 2 offers enhancements and additions to the game’s storyline through a new mission system, plus enhanced enemies and more diverse environments (The original Borderlands  had a reputation for um… well, a lot of sand.)

Apart from a very burly new character featured on GameInformer’s promotional cover, there’s little information concerning the story and characters. The cover does however suggest a few more robots, guns with rotating barrels, Tommy Gun-style machine guns and even more Psychos.

Catch Borderlands 2 at GamesCom and PAX Prime soon.

Speaking of psychos…

Even more rumour has it that there’s some kind of video game adaptation of the popular Rambo movie series in the works. The movies, starring Sylvester Stallone as the titular jungle badass John Rambo, focus on a survivalist veteran’s various single-handed wars against American cops (Rambo: First Blood), naughty Viet Cong types (First Blood Part 2), stereotypical Russians (Rambo III) and some even naughtier Burmese people (2008’s series reboot, Rambo).

The reasoning behind the game’s inception and creation is because the series has experienced resurgence in the past decade or two, due to the immense popularity of the series at the time it was first released and additionally due to the fact that the 2008 reboot managed to rake in $154,611,774 on a budget of $50 million.

The game is reportedly being published by Reef Entertainment, and is currently in development as a triple A title. Reef Entertainment CEO Peter Rezon stated: “I am a big fan of Sylvester Stallone movies, and when we had the opportunity to secure the video game rights from StudioCanal for the Rambo franchise, we had to grab it with both hands.”

The fact that an action movie series almost 20 years old still attracts such a large audience even today seems like a perfect excuse for a game outing. Expect run and gun action combined with a bit of stealth and survival trickery, along with some amusing moments too.  Bow and arrows, M60 not included. No Rocky Balboa jokes, please.

Well this looks fun

Moar Spaec Marehz u sai? I can haz powar armur?

No Skyrim demo for you

Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls series has always been released in its complete form, without demos or playable previews on the market.

It doesn’t come as much of a surprise then that Skyrim producer Craig Lafferty has confirmed that even this time around, there won’t be an Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim demo to be had prior to release.

In a Eurogamer interview, Craig had this to say: “No, we won’t be doing a demo. For a game of this size and complexity it’s really hard to do a demo the represents the game truly. And it would have to be a gigantic demo. So we won’t be doing a demo.”

Guess you’ll just have to wait until November 11th 2011. Elevens.

Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata talks 3DS – Might forget about 3D entirely

In a recent Q and A to explain the poor, some say crippling, financial results from Nintendo’s last few months in business, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata was heard to have said that the 3D direction of the 3DS wasn’t as integral to the success of the device as previously thought.

“I think there could be a Nintendo 3DS software title which does not use the 3D feature at all, and I believe Nintendo will develop such software,” he said. “Instead, other features of the Nintendo 3DS should be focused on. It might be a communication feature, or other functions (such as the gyro sensor or the motion sensor). The important thing is that each respective software title has its own characteristics, and appeals to the consumers in a way that fits the software. So I am not worried in a way like, ‘The value of the Nintendo 3DS will decrease when the novelty of 3D wears off.’”

Basically, Nintendo has added all these features to the 3DS but a lot of their games currently only rely on the 3D feature in order to stand out from previous or competing games. Other features of the device are unused where they could be, creating a fuller experience. In fact these features are good enough to be major attractions to gamers all by themselves

“But I do not think consumers would be satisfied if every software title we release in the next year only focuses 3D,” Iwata continued. “So, I believe we have to implement new proposals focused on another appealing feature of the Nintendo 3DS, which is the communication feature.”

The social features of the 3DS are extremely important, allowing all 3DS users to connect to Twitter and various other social networks. The 3DS is full of potential, but it just seems that Nintendo haven’t yet explored that potential in the time they’ve used highlighting the 3D capability of the device.