Gaming Weekly – Xbox One vs PS4 release dates, Nintendo’s 2DS and Classic Pokémon

Hi! This week we chat (rant) about Nintendo exploring an unused market with the 2DS console, the Xbox One and PS4 now both having official release dates and catching everything in the Pokémon world, including memories of our childhood.

Xbox One vs PS4 release dates

Finally, we have all the pieces in place and we can all rest assured that during 1 week in November all of our next generation gaming needs will be fulfilled as Microsoft and Sony both release their next generation consoles to the world.

Microsoft finally announced that its Xbox One will be landing worldwide on November 22nd which is exactly 8 years after the Xbox 360 was launched and also places the release smack bang in the middle of Sony’s US/UK release schedule for the PS4.

Depending on where you are you either get the Xbox One a week after or before the Playstation 4 which will lead to an interesting dynamic between the two consoles releases. In Europe the Xbox One will have a headstart before the PS4 lands on the 29th of November whereas in the US the Playstation 4 will get a headstand of a week as it is released on the 15th of November.

In years to come the week long wait between consoles will mean very little but with the Build-up to the two devices now in full swing, it currently means everything. Both Sony and Microsoft will be keen to get a step on the other, but with the two console coming out at the same time and offering a large amount of shared features, games and fan base will we ever truly see a winner?

Currently the only loser in the Sony vs. PlayStation war is Nintendo, but that’s not even Sony/Microsoft’s fault, that is down to Nintendo just getting it wrong.

All we know is that It’s an exciting time to be a gamer, as with these new consoles comes a new age of gaming and with the inclusion of the Kinect System for the Xbox One and the Touchpad enabled PS4 controllers the Xbox One and PS4 will be bringing a change to our households, no matter what.

Nintendo exploits a new market

So Nintendo released a new Console… Yeah, we had the same experience when it was announced. The Nintendo 2DS is the console none of us asked for, yet Nintendo are bringing the device too us no matter what.

Last week Ninty did a surprise announcement that they had re-worked the very popular 3DS console for the ”yoof” market by creating a budget friendly, flip free, non 3D version of its handheld consoles.

The 2DS will be a 1 piece, dual screened device that will offer gaming to a younger market, AKA people who are too young to view 3D and who are also prone to breaking expensive tech like the 3DS. Yes the 2DS is aimed at the 3-7 year old market of customers!

Now, Nintendo are actively encouraging parents to purchase the new range of Handheld consoles, and to that extent they are somewhat exploiting a market that Sony and Microsoft are normally not interested in. Now we all know that Nintendo have always been the kid friendly firm, but the Announcement of the 2DS has shown just how much Nintendo want to profit from this minors market.

The 2DS isn’t for you, or me (anyone reading this we assume is over 8 years old) and as much as Nintendo will promote the 2DS as a console for everyone, the simple facts are that Nintendo has released a console so that people under 7 can play their existing line-up of games which were made for a 3D console.

Its seemingly brilliant and despicable, but hey… In 10 years’ time when Nintendo have created a whole new generation of Mario fans, the company will still be laughing to the bank.

Gotta catch em’ all… Again

Speaking of Nintendo ingraining fans from a young Age!

This week has seen the hype machine for Pokémon’s next instalment of games go into mega drive as the Nintendo have announced that the next Pokémon games, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y will allow users to transfer your monsters from Black & White and Black & White 2 into the upcoming game.

But, as a classic Pokémon gamer, what’s more exciting is that in the new titles gamers will be able to play as and start the game with the original starter Pokémon of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, from the original Pokémon Red and Blue titles which appeared on the original Game Boy! Each of the classic characters will be playable from the start of the game as a starter Pokémon in addition to the new Pokemon, Chespin, Froakie and Fennekin. The classic characters will also get a new final Mega Evolution version that can be unlocked too, making Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard and Mega Blastoise.

The original Pokémon Red, Blue and eventually Yellow were the games that started the whole Pokémon craze – alongside the mega popular cartoon that launched Pikachu! – and Pokémon X and Y are very aware of their classic heritage. One of Red/Blue’s rare characters, Mewtwo, also appears in the new games as a playable character.

Will the inclusion of characters from a game that was first released in 1996 (well, in Japan; in the US it was 98 and UK 99!) bring in gamers who have an affinity with the classic game?

Gaming thought of the week

Just how long can Ubisoft string out the Assassin’s Creed Desmond story-line?

What’s out this week?                

Diablo 3 is the biggest release of the week for the PS3 and Xbox 360, with the super popular PC game making its way over to the consoles from the September 3rd.

Other than Diablo III, not a lot else is on the horizon until the September 17th when Rockstar is waiting to blow our minds and corrupt our lives with GTA V for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Bye Bye

Assassin’s Creed 4 may be a bit too soon after the last instalment, but there is no denying just how amazing Black Flag looks!