Gears of War 3 exclusive trailer shows beginning of THE END

Gamers are gearing towards hotly-hyped sequel Gears of War 3 and as the countdown begins – with only 20 days remaining till G-Day – those tease-meisters at Epic Games and Microsoft Studios have teamed up with the popular gaming YouTube channel Machinima to deliver yet another out of this world trailer for the much-anticipated Xbox title..


The new clip features Gears main man, Marcus Fenix and his Delta Squad combating the invading Locust forces across a war torn landscape. Various beasties pop up and are taken down by the heroes, but the melodic, yet ominous, soundtrack lets us know the situation is dire. The shot pans around to the team, the battle brothers share a final glance at one another, as Fenix locks and loads – these boys are in for a fight!

The video ends sombrely, with the message “BROTHERS TO THE END” fading out slowly – emphasis on THE END.  Thus confirming that the third instalment will in fact be the final part of the current story arc in the Gears of War legacy.

Check out the video – Gears of War 3 hits Xbox across the UK on September 20th.

Those who have shared details, or leaked videos from an early copy of Gears of War 3 which appeared online will be banned from play when the game official drops. Read what Epic had to say about the ‘spoilers’ in the Gadget Helpline’s article – here.

Gears of War leaps onto the table top in an official board game recreating the battles from the popular Xbox franchise. Check it out – here.

And be sure to read the Gadget Helpline’s Gaming Weekly – We’ve got the latest news bytes and a unique commentary on events in the gaming world – right here!

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