George Clooney Set to Play Steve Jobs In Hollywood Take On The Apple Founders Life

As Hollywood rushes to get a film of the Apple founders life, George Clooney and Noah Wyle are battling it out to play the Genius in the big screen motion picture.

The news comes from the UK’s Now Magazine,  and it is quite ironic that the Actor Clooney is fighting with for the role was someone who he appeared on screen with between 1994 and 1999, on the hit show ER.

The rumored inclusion of Wyle is an interesting one, as the actor has already played Steve jobs once,  in the 1999 movie ‘pirates of silicon valley’  the film featured on the birth of the personal computer, and the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple.

It’s interesting as both actors have the credentials to play the role brilliantly.

Another rumor surrounding the movie cropped up in late October, when it was said that Aaron Sorkin, a screenwriter who won an Academy Award for his work on the film The Social Network, was being pursued by Sony to write the film about Jobs. Sorkin, at the time, was said to be “considering the project,” but had not committed.

Sorkin was also behind the films Charlie Wilson’s War, The American President, and Moneyball, as well as TV shows including The West Wing and Sports Night. Sorkin also knew Jobs personally, after the Apple CEO unsuccessfully attempted to convince him to write a film for Pixar, the award-winning animation studio Jobs sold to Disney for $7.4 billion in 2006.

Who do you think should play the role of Steve jobs in this movie.?

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