Google Android Invasion Hits MWC! Giant Slide & Actual Ice Cream Sandwiches For Guests!

Besides the tasty Android-based gadgets and sweet new software being announced at the Mobile World Congress one of the major talking points is Google’s stand itself – it looks absolutely awesome!

The cool and contemporary graffiti-sprayed demo/display area for Californian internet and software giant Google’s MWC invasion is a virtual Willy Wonka-esque wonderland of all things Android. Featuring numerous giant statues of the now world-familiar green hero in a variety of poses and its likeness appears on almost everything (as seen in the attached snaps, credited to Gizmodo).

The ‘bot mascot features on everything for display screens to green domed light fittings to the antennaed baseball caps worn by the floor staffers and even an actual Android shaped Ice Cream Sandwich in honour of the most recent mobile OS upgrade, which is being given away to cool down the trade show visitors while they test out Google’s hottest new gadgets. There’s even a giant tube slide which carries patrons from the top floor to the lower floor. This is no surprise from the company who’s San Francisco and Zurich offices include slides for the workers to get to the lunch room in quick time!

Not only does the stall include the instantly recognisable ‘droid but Google is said to have been rolling out some entertainment in the form of jugglers as well as a little female eye candy, in support of this week’s MWC announcements including an official tease on Android OS version 5.0, Jelly Bean.

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