Google has released info on their yearly Google I/O conference, a glitzy event held in in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West where Google’s upcoming gadgets get shown off to the public that anyone has the chance to attend, although tickets are a bit pricey.

Last year’s Google I/O conference saw some big things arriving from Android and Google, mostly the announcement of the new generation of Android Wear wearables, smartwatches and the like, that defined 2014 in tech. Android One and also Android Lollipop made an appearance at last year’s event.

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Now Google has revealed the schedule and ticket booking plan for this year’s Google I/O. expect a new wave of wearables on Android Wear, and hopefully some of Google’s special projects from Google X, or even Google Glass to appear at the conference.

In the same way as last year, tickets for attendees at Google I/O will go out on a lottery basis, with Google picking the people who will “receive the opportunity to purchase one ticket” at random if you register on their Google I/O ticket website – we’ve included a link below. You’ll need a Google account.

Tickets are expected to be quite expensive – last year they went for a huge $900, although the event is a bit of a tech paradise. Plus attendees get some super awesome goodies with the price of a ticket, with attendees getting their hands on not one, but two Android Wear smartwatches as well as a Cardboard VR headset kit. Swagtastic.

Registration for tickets will open up in March, on the 17th at 9:00am PDT  until March 19th at 5:00pm PDT. Once registered, keep your fingers crossed to see if you’ll get the chance to drop big bucks for your ticket. Last year tickets for I/O sold out in just one hour, so be quick if you do get the chance to buy one, as they’re sold on a first come first served basis.

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If you’re not able to attend, or don’t get a ticket, or of course like most of us don’t have nearly a thousand dollars to spare, you can always catch the live stream of the event and also overage from media sites. it’s no substitute for attending Google I/O, but at least all the hot news gets out there.

We’ll cover the event, which this year is billed for the 28th and 29th of March, as much as we can, so expect some articles over the two days as soon as word gets around about what cool gadgets are making the rounds at the conference.

Source: Google IO Registration (opens March 17th)

Via: Mashable