Google Nexus Prime to be First Android Ice Cream Sandwich Handset?

Google is looking set to release another flagship Android Smartphone in its Google Nexus line with the forthcoming release of the latest OS update Ice Cream Sandwich.

Tech website BGR claims that the latest in Google Nexus handsets will be called the Google Nexus Prime and will run the Ice Cream Sandwich OS as the flagship device for the brand. The handset is set to be made by Samsung, so it seems Google have stuck with them after the success of the Samsung Nexus S.

Is this the Nexus Prime? – Image from

The Prime is reported to have a Super AMOLED HD screen with 720p resolution display and unlike other Android phones, it will lack the 4 physical keys going forward and have an all-touchscreen appearance.

The source also claimed that the Nexus Prime wouldn’t be the only Ice Cream Sandwich (possibly called Android OS 4.0) handsets to be available at the time of release, as Google is reportedly working with multiple manufacturers on devices so they can launch around the same time.

The Google Nexus line has been popular with Android fans since the original Nexus handset was released last January (2010) and all of the Nexus handsets have operated as flagship devices for Google and the current Android OS operating system, with the devices always getting the latest OS updates months before any other handsets.

With the Ice Cream Sandwich OS we can expect a major overhaul of the mobile OS and possibly even the next great leap forward for Android. We are not sure what this may entail but we are still very excited to find out.

Are you excited about the Nexus Prime getting ROLLED OUT! Or is this just another Android Decepticon? Let us know your thoughts in our comments below or on our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter account.