Google NFC payment scheme to roll out in the US – United Kingdom next in line?

Trials of a mobile payment system through Google are expected to begin in a number of US cities – kicking off speculation that we UK residents could be next in line.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Google is currently working hard with developers and will begin to roll out of the scheme which will see NFC-enabled apps used for wireless payment making in New York, San Francisco and a number of US locations.

O2 is already aiming to turn our mobile into money with “Mobile Wallet” and the Orange Network in the UK has just revealed its partnership with Barclaycard to offer Orange “Quick Tap” through Samsung Tocco handsets with near field communications chips used as an alternate method of payment.

With Google currently on Global domination mode it’s likely their service will join our home networks with its own service. But can we trust these mobile payment services to keep valuable credit card data secure?

Very soon we could be saying goodbye to wallets and small change with all our transactions being made through our smartphone. Which makes us wonder what we’ll do with the spare pocket!

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Source: The Wall Street Journal