Google Play Music subscribers will get access to YouTube Music Key

As I’m sure you‘ll be aware, just a few days ago YouTube unveiled their latest product – Music Key, a subscription service providing users with advertising-free playback (for a fee) of around 30 million official music videos hosted on the video sharing site. For users who choose to subscribe, as well as add-free music videos, users will also be able to view their favourite music videos offline too.

After the announcement of Music Key, there had been a couple of areas that were unclear, primarily what would users who currently subscribe to Google Play Music get, the service for free?

Well, that question has now been answered and it’s a yes all round. In-fact, if you currently subscribe to Google Play Music All Access, you don’t actually have to do anything and you’ll get the new Music Key service as it starts to become available. Now, although Google haven’t made anything official in terms of an actual roll out date, looking at the website for Music Key, there is a lot of speculation that it will actually start to launch in Beta sometime this week.

While the service is in Beta, unfortunately it’s invite-only for an unspecified amount of time at the moment. However, as mentioned, anyone who currently has a live Google Play Music All Access subscription can go ahead and use the service with no additional cost. For the rest of us, we’ll have to sit and wait patiently for the service to launch, from there, users who do not want to pay a subscription for the service will still be able see what’s on offer, albeit with advertisements between each video – something I’m sure will be familiar to anyone who has used other free online music streaming services

Music Key is adding itself to an ever increasing list of online music streaming service, ok, so music video streaming is a bit different to the rest but with the latest disagreements between Taylor Swift and Spotify, we are starting to wonder if this format is going to work long-term, we obviously hope that it does as it sounds great. Obviously time will tell.