Leaks have sprung in Google’s plan to replace the reliable but obsolete Reader with a new ‘Google Play News’ feature.
The Gadget Helpline was surprised to hear that Google planned to scrap it’s tried and tested RSS delivery service on July the 1st as part of a refresh of its website when the culminated news feed would be included amongst a number of features considered outdated which would soon be dropped. Many of us use and rely on the Google Reader as a useful reference to the happenings in the tech world and other, so this news came as quite a disappointment.
However, it would seem that before our tears could hit the floor Google was already working on something that could more than make up for the loss of our trusty Reader and web source Android Police has discovered a Javascript file suggesting that Google will translate features from the bygone news feed into a new Android based platform called Google Play News.
From the code it’s believed that Google Play News will resemble something along the lines of Apple Newstand and will allow us to Subscribe and Sign In to various news outlets or ‘Issues’ online and have them displayed on our Android smartphone or tablet in the same way that it’s Magazines and Currents features presently work and might even incorporate or expand on the existing section of the Google Play Store.
We’re not entirely sure where this leaves desktop users but the Gadget Helpline has offered up a few alternatives to Google Reader in the event keyboard wielders are left out of the loop when the new service is brought in. Check out our feature – Here.